Pricing! It’s one of the most important things we evaluate when considering whether or not to join a gym.
It can be confusing as there are so many different types of gyms out there, so if you’re just starting to look at different fitness options in San Antonio, you may not fully understand why one gym is $10/month and another is hundreds of dollars a month.
We’re not here to go over all the gym options in detail, but we do want to simplify it.
The biggest factor that determines pricing is how individualized it is.
Access-based gyms v. Results-based gyms
On one end of the spectrum, you have an access-based gym (a gym that makes money purely by offering you access to it) and on the other end, you have a results-based gym (a gym that has created a product that will increase your chances of seeing results in the gym).
As you can see, access to a Planet Fitness gym is going to average $10/month, whereas membership at a personal training gym is going to depend on how many individual sessions you sign up, pushing the membership price to hundreds per month.
CrossFit falls in the middle, where you get many of the benefits of personal training (coaching, feedback during the workout, motivation) without the price point of 1-on-1 sessions. Prices for gyms in San Antonio can range between $120 and $200+ depending on what that gym can offer and the type of membership you choose to get.
That said, just because one option is more or less expensive than another doesn’t make it a better solution. Ultimately it comes down to which option is the best fit for you.
Which type of gym is right for me?
Who are access-based gyms good for? People who:
- Can find or build effective workout programs for themselves
- Know how to follow a workout program, move safely, and use equipment properly
- Motivate themselves as necessary maximize the effectiveness of the workout
- Don’t want to workout in a group or with a personal trainer
- Aren’t interested in barbell work, as most access-based gyms discourage parts of it
Who are results-based gyms good for? People who:
- Would rather follow someone whose job it is to come up with the workout program
- Are coachable and open to learning how to move safely and use equipment properly
- Are motivated by working out with others, whether it’s with a coach or in a group class
- Are busy and looking for a solution that is effective and requires little preparation to do daily
- Often find themselves bored in an access-based gym
CrossFit Lobo Pricing
So now that we covered the spectrum of different fitness options out there, where does CrossFit Lobo fall?

Our prices are between $169 to $219. Those rates are strictly for our in-person services (we also offer online personalized programming and coaching – email us if interested).
Why do our prices vary? Our rates depend solely on how long a member is willing to commit to – monthly, 3 months, 6 months, or 12 months.
Those prices are charged on a monthly basis, not prepaid, not in full.
At the end of a member’s agreement, the membership rolls straight into a month-to-month plan at the same price of their original agreement. It doesn’t repeat for another 3, 6, or 12 month agreement. We only require that initial commitment at the very start of someone’s membership.
Let’s talk more about the specific pricing and what that entails.
What’s included in those prices?
- Effective Workouts
- Our workouts include lifting weights, skill work, and high intensity workouts all in one hour. You’ll burn fat and build muscle at the same time, and if you’re worried our workouts won’t challenge you enough or will be boring, we’ll prove you wrong.
- Semi-Private Coaching
- In each class, our coaches will provide you with detailed instruction on how to perform every movement and workout. During class, they will walk around to make sure you’re moving safely, and they will motivate you to do your best!
- Accountability
- We have a Committed Club at CrossFit Lobo! Every month we celebrate members who make it into our Committed Club, which means they’ve worked out at the gym at least 15 times that month (3-4 times/week). Our Committed Club encourages members to make it to the gym as often as they can, and by doing so, they see the results they’re looking for! Outside of that, many members make friends within the gym and become part of group texts that help to keep them accountable and regular in their fitness routine.
- Community Events
- We run friendly competitions, nutrition challenges, and social events throughout the year, on top of fun activities members will organize on their own. Not only are these events fun, but being around health-minded people like you helps you to stay positive and committed to your goals.
What makes a membership at Lobo different from somewhere else?
- We offer two locations.
- You have access to both nearby locations in Northwest San Antonio with offset schedules, providing you with 11 classes to choose from during the week.
- Our coaches love first and teach second.
- We know that no coaching relationship works without a coach’s ability to first care about the member. We hire all our coaches based on their ability to “love first” naturally, and because of that, you will always feel comfortable enough in our classes to push yourself. We don’t have the “bro” culture you might find in similar gyms. You won’t be stressed by the gym experience, and you will never feel forced to do anything uncomfortable or unsafe.
- We lift heavy and do so safely.
- Strength-training is such a vital part of fitness, inside and out! We dedicate the first half of the class to strength and skill before we move on to a higher intensity workout.
- No upsell.
- We do not charge a cheap membership on the front end, only to attempt to upsell you on the back end with supplements or personal training sessions. Once you’re in, you’re good. We offer retail, supplements, and additional services if you are interested, but we do not push any of it on you.
Why do you offer discounts for long-term agreements?
As a results-based gym, we help members see results by providing them with the coaching and accountability they need that they aren’t able to find as readily at an access-based gym. With any business that offers coaching and accountability, what we’re really offering is a relationship.
A relationship is based on mutual trust that is built over time. They say you can’t learn from someone who you know doesn’t care about you, and the inverse is also true: it’s difficult to invest in someone who you know isn’t committed to their journey for the long-haul.
We give discounts to members who choose to commit to their fitness journey. If we know you are going to be in this for a year or more, we can take the time to develop the relationship with you and build the trust that’s needed to help you see results and become the best version of yourself.
Your ability to see results and transform your life doesn’t happen on a month by month basis.
It happens when you decide to commit to yourself long-term. Agreeing to trust the process and the coaches that are here to help you for at least 6 or 12 months allows the process and the coaching to work in your favor.
For one, unless you’re on supplements not approved by the FDA or are looking to get surgery done, results will not happen overnight. There’s a good chance they won’t happen 100% the way you’re looking for in just one month. That’s the truth of the fitness journey, and we want to deter people who are looking for the quick fix.
Secondly, when you agree to commit to yourself for a period of time, we as your coaches know you’re in it to win it. When we know that, we are allowed to fully invest in you, knowing there’s a better chance it will pay off for you in the long run.
Do you offer any other discounts?
Discounts based on longevity are the only discounts we offer.
Even as a couple who are military veterans (and one who used to teach), we do not offer discounts for special populations. The service we provide to everyone in the gym is the same across the board, and the only benefit you get when signing up for a membership is if you choose to make a long-term commitment to yourself.
Not even a couple’s discounts?
When it comes to couple’s discounts or family discounts, we’ve found that there’s usually one half of the couple (or part of the family) that is more invested in their fitness journey than the other. Instead of incentivizing a couple to be tied together by offering a discount, we instead see each person as on their own fitness journey. Everyone has their own pace; one may be motivated to dive in, but the other half may feel obligated to sign up for something they aren’t fully committed to, simply because there was a discount involved.
What we do for couples instead is that if a couple wants to sign up together, we’ll waive the requirement for one half of the couple to sign up for an initial commitment. For example, if a couple wants to sign up for 12 months, one person will be on a 12 month commitment, and the other person secures the same price on a month-to-month basis.
Is it wrong if I want to do month-to-month, and if not, what are reasons to do it?
Absolutely not! It’s completely your choice, and in fact, there are a few reasons why people choose to do month-to-month.
- People use the month-to-month as a trial period. This is frequently for people with busy schedules and commutes, who want to see if a membership at CrossFit Lobo will be a sustainable solution for them.
- If people are going to be in San Antonio temporarily, for work or otherwise, the monthly membership is a great option. If they’re going to be in San Antonio for less than a month, one of our drop in passes would work better for them.
How do your prices compare to other group fitness gyms?
Many CrossFit gyms in San Antonio will offer an unlimited membership and then other options such as:
- Limited memberships (2-3x/week)
- Open gym (access to equipment and space outside of class)
- Discounts based on profession
Based on our research, we’d say our prices fall in the middle to upper half of all prices in CrossFit gyms in San Antonio, depending on what plan you choose. We work hard to delight our customers with fun classes that help them see results. We do so by continually developing our coaches and ensuring our workouts are as effective as they can be.
Why don’t you have the lowest prices?
To put it bluntly, offering the lowest prices is a race to the bottom and not the race we choose to compete in. We’d rather provide (and continue to provide) more value to you everyday than focus on how we can be the cheapest out there. We put our focus toward improving our coaches, adding classes to the schedule, hosting member events, and offering additional perks and benefits to your membership more than we focus on how we can lower our prices.
We also aren’t selling a commodity. We sell semi-private fitness training, which is a relationship-based service that can transform your life. What you are willing to invest in yourself, both in time and money, will determine a gym’s ability to provide you with the results you’re looking for.
If you’re hunting for the lowest prices in town, you will get what you pay for. Cheap prices are the tax business owners pay for a subpar product, and you can be sure the lowest prices are made up somehow on the back end.
Interested in getting started? We hop on a call with anyone interested in our gym, and during the phone call, we’ll set up your initial free trial with us. Head here to get started!